To say that modern culture is hooked on the internet is the state the obvious. This is not necessarily a bad thing, given how much we can accomplish online. But every once in a while, you might feel the need to take a break; to disconnect for a while. The good news is that taking a break is possible, and it doesn’t have to drive you crazy.
Feeling anxious about disconnecting is normal. It is like anything else that becomes integral to your life. Wouldn’t you be anxious about facing an entire week without your car? The anxiety is normal. What you shouldn’t do is let it prevent you from doing what you know you should do.
Blazing Hog is a 4G wireless rural internet provider based in Houston. They say that disconnecting every now and again is good for the mind and soul. Here are a few suggestions they offer for taking an internet break without going crazy:
Plug in a Substitute
If taking internet break makes you anxious, stop and think about why you feel the anxiety. In all likelihood, you are thinking about all the things you suddenly can’t do because you’re not online. But what if you weren’t thinking about those things? What if you had something else to occupy your mind?
One of the keys to taking a break without going crazy is plugging in a substitute. Maybe you spend a couple of hours every day on social media. Surely there are other things you could do instead. For example, leave your phone inside while you go outdoors and do something else. Use that time to rehab your landscaping or start the garden you’ve always dreamed of having.
Spend Time with Others
Unfortunately, the internet has become a substitute for personal interactions. There are many people who rarely get together with others face-to-face anymore. Taking an internet break could change that. Better yet, getting together with friends and family can help make your time offline easier to manage.
Imagine telling those same jokes you normally tell on social media in person. Imagine experiencing a meal together rather than just sending one another photos of your food. Getting together with friends and family is good for the soul. It is good for the mind and the emotions. You might be surprised how easily you can stay offline simply by rekindling those face-to-face relationships that used to be so important.
Unplug for Vacation
Some people take an internet break whenever they go on vacation. How? By leaving the technology at home. They make all their travel arrangements ahead of time, then rely on old-fashioned means for solving problems and making modifications as needs arise.
It can be tough. It is hard to imagine leaving home without your cell phone, let alone traveling for vacation. But people used to do it before the internet was a thing. It can still be done now. The advantage of doing so on vacation is that you have your vacation experiences to occupy your mind and time.
Taking a break from the internet without going crazy is actually just a mindset. Admittedly, it is tougher for some people to get into that mindset than others. But there is also something to be said about practice. The more often you make a concerted effort to disconnect, the easier it becomes.
Are you looking to take an internet break? If so, be prepared for some challenges. Be willing to think outside the box for new ways to do what you normally do online. It can be both refreshing and invigorating at the same time.