The most commonly asked question by Amazon sellers is ‘ how much does it cost to sell books on Amazon?” There are several costs that you must factor in like overhead costs, delivery charges, referral fees, and so on.
The following are some of the costs that you should expect to incur when selling used books on AMZ:
1. Referral Fees
Each time you sell a book, Amazon deducts a certain percentage from the total sales you’ve made. The amount deducted is calculated depending on the delivery charges, sales price, packing charges, and the category that your books have been listed on. It’s important to know your referral charges for you to resell books profitably. If you are interested in reselling books on Amazon and make money. It’s important to know the referral rate.
2. Delivery Charges
Do you intend to ship your books by yourself? If so, you must calculate the delivery and courier charges. The fee that you need to pay depends on the courier service that you’ll choose. If you can get a deal where you can ship books in bulk, you may be in a position to save some dollars from the whole process.
3. Marketing Costs
If you plan to run paid adverts, give away books for sign-up and contests, or any marketing tactics you can think of, then you have to factor in marketing costs. If you choose to use Amazon’s Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model, you must pay a specific fee to begin advertising. Ensure that monitor the overall costs depending on the number of books you are selling.
4. Overhead Costs
Similarly to any other online business, you must factor in overhead costs for you to run your online bookstore successfully. If you are planning to hire virtual assistants or freelancers to run the online store for you, you need to pay them per month. Most of the overhead costs that you’ll incur depend on the way that you’ll handle the business. It’s important to minimize your overall costs, if you want to make profits.
The best thing about selling used books on Amazon is that it’s not an expensive venture. If you don’t have a lot of money, you can even start by selling a few used book; they can even cost 1 or 2 dollars to begin with.
Alternatively, if you have some extra cash to spare, you can purchase more books when you are starting off. It all depends on you!
The other factor that you must keep in mind is the charges that will be required for your Amazon account. If you choose the Professional Seller Amazon Account, you need to set aside 9.99dollars each month.
Final Say
Selling books on Amazon can be hard for beginners. However, as you learn the tricks that other successful sellers employ, you can become a successful vendor. Thanks to the available tools and information available on Amazon, you can earn some extra money from selling used books as a side hustle.